대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바


대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바

“What do you want to say?”Yu Gajin, who was silent for a

moment, opened her mouth.“He is unlike anyone I have ev

er met. he is… … .””okay. that’s right.”The beauty said, i

nterrupting Wei Jiajin.“He is different from everyone else.

He is neither a clumsy idealist nor a shallow force suprem

acist who blindly pursues power. He does not try to pand

er to power, and he is different from shallow people who

pursue immediate profit or vain fame.”A faint sneer pass

ed by her lips.“He is different. He has haughty ideals tha

t arrogantly look down on the world at his feet, and an

innate ability to capture people’s hearts at once. Enough

to make you on his side with just one kiss.”Wei Jiajin smil

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바

ed bitterly. But what she said was true. It wasn’t just Wei

Jiajin’s sword that Sajihyeok subdued.“But above all, he ha

s absolute force. He is overwhelming and destructive, lit

erally absolute force.”Her eyes were no longer looking at

Wei Jiajin. Her frighteningly shining eyes were now looki

ng straight at someone beyond, unseen.“The moment I sa

w his Powell eclipse, I was absolutely certain. “This is the

person who can stand at the top of the powerful martia

l arts world.”She was silent. And after a while, her eyes tu

rned to Wei Jiajin.“That’s why we need him. He is the onl

y person who can establish absolute, unwavering authority

in this martial forest filled with all kinds of human beings

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바

and countless powerful people. That’s him. And this decis

ion will never change.”Wei Jiajin said nothing to her word

s. This is because every single thing she said was someth

ing that Wei Jiajin had no choice but to agree with.A clea

r fact that can be known from just one meeting with him.

“But who did you say this for? “Is it me or is it him?”

Her eyes were so sharp that they seemed to penetrate in

to Yu Jiajin’s heart.dump.Wei Gajin immediately got down

on one knee on the spot.“Wei Jiajin, you have dared to

be deceived by disrespectful thoughts. I will punish you

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭룸싸롱 대전룸바

from the monarch.”The moment he saw the Powell eclipse

, Wei Ji-jin was also convinced. That he is never the type o

f person to act according to other people’s will. He is a pe

rson who exists like the moon flowing over clouds.So I didn’

t want her to touch Sajahyeok. That was her advice for her, b

ut she didn’t know that maybe it was for Saja Hyeok, the only

truly strong and martial man she had ever met in the martial arts world.