대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 세종시룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 세종시룸싸롱


대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 세종시룸싸롱

Ja-hyuk didn’t move a muscle.‘Why do you do that?’

This is the first time Sajahyuk has taken this much tim

e. As Sonbin tilted his head, Sajahyeok’s voice was su

ddenly heard in a low voice.“Why don’t you stop com

ing out now?”‘Come out? Where… … .’Sonbin was con

fused. However, Sajahyeok was not talking to Sonbin, b

ut somewhere in the dark shade of a tree.“If you need t

ime to make up your mind, I can wait longer.”Sajahyeok’

s lips were showing a faint smile as he spoke. It was a p

rovocative laugh. As if in response, a clear and pure voi

ce came from the darkness that Sajahyeok was watchin

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 세종시룸싸롱

g.“You don’t have to do that.”Okay.Someone came out of

the dark shadows and appeared under the moonlight. H

e was a nobleman with a handsome appearance, like a

sculpture.“I apologize for my rudeness.”“I didn’t mean to

be rude, so there’s no need to apologize.”Sajahyuk spok

e with a faint smile.“But if you think you can still hide yo

urself from me, you are mistaken.”“Of course I don’t think

so.”Rustle.The two people appeared again, accompanied b

y a calm woman’s voice. There was a beautiful woman wi

th an expression as cold as ice and a young man named

Soha who looked a little younger.“I was just afraid it mig

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 세종시룸싸롱

ht get in the way.”Lion Hyuk shook his head lightly. He di

dn’t even look at the beauty that appeared.“You only ge

one warning.”Sajahyuk’s gaze was directed towards Sonb

in. Sajahyuk said, flashing sharp eyes at Sonbin.“If you wo

n’t step forward, I have no choice but to drag you out.”

Huh.The moment Sonbin looked confused, Sajahyeok gen

tly lifted one hand. At the same time, a force like the wind

rose from Sajahyeok.