대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠
대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

The light blown away by erasing Mazu can light up the dark night sky far away.After Matsu d

isappeared, only Reiji and his sun remained in the sky.Silence envelopsthe neighborhood. And

for a while, great cheers rise.There is no one around me or Nao, but the sound of joy can be

heard all the way here.There was also a voice praising Reiji in that cheer, and that voice seeme

d to resonate throughout the country.Farewell to Loch KingdomDark Knight CroquisThe zombies

have left and the neighborhood is reviving.e was walking alone on the main road.People walkin

g along the main street could occasionally hear praising Reiji.In fact, since the Reiji did their b

est to save this country, it would be nice to praise them.Reiji’s magic at the end was amazing.

she remembers the timeHe shattered Zarkisis’ magic circle and returned himself to the surface.

At that time, he was surprised that Tian snow and Naomi Domeki were near the exit. However,

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

when the two of them looked up, they seemed to be distracted by something, so they easily e

scaped without being noticed.Then, after moving away from the two for a while, the sky sudde

nly lit up. Looking at it, Reiji was flying in the sky, and light was overflowing from there. The cl

assification of light was shining in the sky far away. That magic would be unstoppable with no

rmal magic.In the last fight, Reiji didn’t use that magic. If there is something to fight again, be

careful.To be honest, I don’t want to fight. However, if the rages attacked Nargol again, it migh

t be a fight.The problem is Rayna. When she gives up attacking Nargol, she is amicably put tog

ether. How can I give up? That’s the problem.And, she has no idea what she was trying to do in

this country. After that, Reina says she seems to have disappeared from this country. She doesn

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전호빠 유성호빠

‘t know what she’s thinking, but she’ll have to be extra careful with that move.Besides, there is

work to be interested in. That’s Zarkisis’ job.Who will it be? His words bother me. He betrayed

Modes and called him a man. And he said that he was one arm of Nargol, the god of destruct

ion. Speaking of Nargol, it was the work of the land ruled by Modes. However, the name Nar

gol now (already/already/no longer/really) seems to have a separate meaning.I’m thinking of

returning to Nargol and going to Modes. But before that, you will have to fulfill your true pu

rpose for coming to this land.That’s why, I’m thinking of disappearing the Loch Kingdom tom

orrow morning.I would like to say hello to the people who have taken care of it as much as

possible.Thinking like that, as I walk, a face I’ve seen walks forward.“Isn’t it the Ren bar? Wh

y is that?”It was Renba who walked from before. But it’s different from usual. You seem to be

suffering from something.In addition, the royal palace must be in the midst of a dinner part