대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠
대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

Park Min-seok ran into the simple office as if his butt was on fire.The person who needs to manage is

Choi Hee, but she needs someone to handle other minor tasks, so she hires the most sincere friend

among those who work hard.The word was joining the company, but in reality, the employees were

me, Choi Hee, and Park Min-seok. There were only three of them. So, there was no system in place

yet, I was the only one who was called the president or CEO, and we were still calling each other

by name.“What is it?”“Emergency call action! Emergency financial measures! What will happen to

our money?!”Choi Hee, who was sitting at a diagonal desk, widened her eyes again after a few

days.currency reform.Today was the third day since I met Professor Heo Moon-hoe. If I remember

correctly, the military regime implemented emergency currency measures and emergency financial

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

measures today, June 10th.As the word “urgent” implies, it was carried out by surprise with strong

force.In 1953, through the emergency currency measure, ‘won’ was changed to ‘hwan’, and even

though it was not even 10 years since it was implemented, the unit of money changed again

from the unit of ‘hwan’, which had been traded so far, to the unit of ‘won’. , 10 rings were cha

nged to 1 won. I agree that it was necessary to adjust the unit of money, which seemed too hi

gh for inflation, but in the wrong order.[As of June 10, 1962, circulation and trading of curre

ncy are prohibited.][Deposit various means of payment expressed in currency or currency in f

nancial institutions by June 17, 1962.][Payment blockade for all new and existing deposits in

financial institutions.]It was the main point of the emergency currency measure, but because of

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

the suddenly announced measure, the citizens who lived on a day-to-day basis could not buy

anything with the money in their pockets, and they had to put it in the bank and wait endlessly

for the blockade on deposit payments to be lifted.I understand that it was part of an economic

stimulus plan to find hidden money and raise it to the sunny side, but most ordinary people

saw the actual damage.The original plan was also achieved thanks to the ignorantly enterprising

action, but now almost half of the factories that were just budding industrialization with smoke

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 유성호빠 둔산동호스트빠

coming out of their chimneys were closed.Even if they had money, they could not trade, and

those who started business with enormous capital were also few in number, so this currency

reform rather aggravated the economic recession.“Are we okay? All the workers are in a

frenzy!””it’s okay. If you wait – everything will return to normal. Do not worry.”