유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바


유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바

Sonbin was impressed.The city hall is large and crowded.

As the busiest city in Sacheon, the streets were overflow

ing with people and goods. Moreover, the appearance of

the people passing by was quite different from what Son

in had seen before, so Sonbin was busy looking around.

The women passing by are also slightly unique in their o

utfits and are so attractive that her attention is taken aw

ay.‘This is Sichuan Province.’For the first time, Sonbin reali

zed that he was in Sacheon. She didn’t know that maybe

it was the excitement of having free time for the first time

in a while. After spending a while walking around the stre

ets of Chengdu and looking at people, Sonbin suddenly c

ame to his senses.‘Wait a minute, we shouldn’t do this her

e, we should go to Wuhou Temple or Chodang Temple.’

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바

Wuhou Temple is a shrine dedicated to Zhuge Liang, and

Chutang Temple is the place where Du Fu, known as the

Poet Saint, retired. Both places are must-visit attractions f

or those visiting Sichuan Province.‘Well, first of all… … .’So

nbin wondered where he would go. Wuhou Temple may b

e better as a place to see, but you can’t ignore the candl

es bearing the name of the saint Du Fu.‘Muhusaya is a pla

ce created solely for interest, so I guess I should go to Ch

odang first.’If the people of Seongdo had heard Son Bin’s tr

ue intentions, Son Bin probably would not have escaped th

e attack that day. This is because Zhuge Liang and Wuhou T

emple are places of special significance to the people of Ch

engdu.Even if it’s from a long time ago and there are no a

ctual relics.Fortunately, Sonbin’s true feelings never came ou

t. Walking leisurely through the bustling and complex streets

of Chengdu, Son Bin headed towards Chodang.“Whoa, it’s h

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바

ot.”Son Bin fluttered the white flag in her hand. The white fe

athered fans commonly sold on the streets, said to have been

used by Zhuge Liang, created a breeze, but the humid and ho

t climate showed no signs of abating.Jerk, jerk.Sonbin enter

ed the bamboo forest path, flapping his Baekwooseon. The

bamboo forest path looked quite atmospheric, but I thought

it would be cooler.Shoot ahhh.Sure enough, as I entered the

bamboo forest path, the bamboo suddenly made a sound i

n the wind.Bamboo, which grows everywhere in Sacheon, fo

rmed a forest here in Chodang, and the thin bamboo leaves

are swaying in the wind, as if you can see the wind passing

by.‘I like the atmosphere of Chodang.’Listening to the sound

of the cool wind that seemed to wash away the heat, Sonbi

n lowered his bag and walked leisurely.As you enter the fore

st, unlike what you see from the outside, there are thick ba

mboo trees everywhere, almost as if they are covering the s

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸싸롱 대전룸바

ky. Even though it must be the same climate, it actually feels

cooler.Shoot!The wind passing through the bamboo forest

makes sound again. Sonbin walked very slowly, half-closed

his eyes, and enjoyed the atmosphere of the blue wind.

As he was so immersed in the atmosphere, a line of Du Fu

‘s poetry, also known as Poetry, naturally flowed out of Sun

Bin’s mouth.“Good rain falls knowing its season… … .”It was

right then.Sarah.